

Legal firms, whether working as defense or plaintiff attorneys, must balance aggressive litigation with the massive work behind discovery and case management. The amount of work required for record retrieval alone can be very costly and time-consuming, yet these records can be the most important documents needed for strong cases.  Attorneys need records fast, but they also need a retrieval system that eases discovery and strengthens litigation cases.

The Synergy online record retrieval solution is designed to simplify the retrieval of records and take the burden off of the legal firm.  It allows an otherwise non-billable expense to become billable. In addition, Synergy pre-pays the record provider all custodial fees, freeing law firms from the burden of individual provider payments and writing multiple checks.   The Synergy application is flexible enough for any legal professional to quickly order, track, retrieve, and view digitized medical records. It is easily integrated with case management software for fast, click-of-the-button medical record retrieval.

See how much Synergy can save your organization

Contact us today by email at [email protected] or call (800) 801-4091.

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